India has embarked on an ambitious journey of eliminating Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) from the country. This involves various measures to reduce the incidence of VL to less than 1 per 10,000 in every block in India for three consecutive years and sustaining it thereafter. Multi-levelled challenges and numerous constraints in the Indian health care system need to be addressed in a comprehensive and systemic way to ensure that India eliminates and maintains the elimination of VL. We use the dynamic health systems framework (van Olmen et al) to analyse the health system and make recommendations. A modified diagram of van Olmen et al's health systems framework is given to the right.
This project aims to:
Dr. N. Devadasan
Dr. Vaibhav Agavane
CARE India
Dr. Shrikantiah Shridhar
Dr. Indranath Bannerjee
Dr. Amresh Kumar
Dr. Abhilash Sharma
Dr. Niyamat Ali Siddiqui
Dr. Roshan Topno
Dr. Debashish Kundu
Dr. Sarabjit S Chadha
Dr. Karuna D Sagili
Prof. Marleen Boelaert, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
Prof. Simon L Croft , London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine & Kalacore
Prof. Suman Rijal, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative